Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Memoirs of a Housewife: New Camera#links

Today I added a list of links I like. The first to make the list belongs to my lovely daughter. She is the mother of the gorgeous grandbaby that keeps showing up here. Enjoy! She is bright and quite witty. You will just love her - I know I do! And has there ever been a prettier baby?! Of course there has not!!!
Memoirs of a Housewife: New Camera#links
I also enjoy participating in the fun at, releasing books for someone else to find, enjoy and release again. A recent discovery is where you can trade your books with others who enjoy the same. And then there's my Wish List: Have you seen the new KINDLE??!!! an avid reader's dream! I absolutely must have one of these little beauties-just as soon as I can afford it, lol. Check this stuff out if you have a notion and I will add more in the future.