Tuesday, March 25, 2008

New Day, New Thought

Today I spent some time working on an exercise called 'free writing' in which one simply writes for a period of time without pausing . Simply recording whatever comes to mind. While a bit difficult at first for someone like me who tends to be quite particular about spelling, punctuation & such, once I began it sort of took on a life of its own. I limited this session to ten minutes and by minute two was in tears and the words just kept pouring out of me. I couldn't write fast enough. It was shocking to find such turbulent emotion lurking scarcely under the surface of my usually placid exterior. Recent events, which I handled with a cool head are obviously still very raw near my heart. This was an eye-opening experience for me as well as cleansing to my soul. When my timer rang signifying the end of this session I was almost disappointed. Before beginning this exercise I thought I would struggle to fill the minutes. This was not the case at all. In the end this simple exercise had the effect of a refreshing rain after a prolonged dry spell. My mood lightened and my heart felt comforted. We shall see how this progresses as time passes. Wish me luck...there's bound to be a writer in this body somewhere just dying to be heard, or read...